La Palina Blue Label cigars
La Palina Blue Label cigars are part of a line crafted to offer a refined and robust smoking experience. Launched as a tribute to the original La Palina brand, which dates back to the early 1900s, the Blue Label series represents a modern take on classic Cuban-inspired cigars.
History: La Palina was founded by Samuel Paley in 1896, and it quickly gained a reputation for high-quality cigars. The brand experienced a resurgence in the 21st century under the leadership of Bill Paley, Samuel’s grandson. The Blue Label series was introduced to combine traditional cigar-making techniques with contemporary flavor profiles, maintaining La Palina’s legacy of excellence.
Tasting Notes:
- Wrapper: Honduran Habano
- Profile: Medium to full-bodied
Flavors: - Initial: Rich notes of dark chocolate and coffee, with a hint of black pepper.
- Mid-Smoke: Balanced by earthy undertones and a creamy sweetness that develops.
- Finish: Smooth and complex, with lingering flavors of cocoa and a subtle spice.
Each size, from the Robusto to the Gordo, offers a slightly different take on these core flavors, but all provide a well-rounded, sophisticated smoking experience.