Cigar Hall Of Fame
Welcome to the Cigar Hall of Fame, where only the finest sticks earn their place among the legends! Picture a smoky sanctuary where the world’s most distinguished cigars strut their stuff like A-listers at an awards show—except here, the only tears shed are from laughter (and maybe a bit of smoke). Whether you’re a seasoned aficionado or just someone who thinks “full-bodied” refers to a coffee, this post will take you on a hilariously indulgent journey through the hallowed halls of cigar greatness. So, light up, kick back, and prepare for a roast that’s more enjoyable than a fresh batch of artisanal cigars!
These cigars below over the years have made it into our All Time Cigar Hall Of Fame.
Technically David Ortiz is a Real MLB Hall Of Famer So?
Since we are located near the Boston area and we’re life long Red Sox fans we have to add these outstanding cigars to the list .The Big Papi Cigars are actually really great, and we sold thousands of them.
Big Papi cigars have generally received positive reviews from both cigar enthusiasts and critics, who appreciate the craftsmanship and flavor profile that reflects David Ortiz’s bold character. Here’s a summary of typical ratings and feedback:
- Cigar Aficionado: 89-92 points
- Halfwheel: 88-91 points
- Cigar Snob: 90-92 points